
All American Foodie

picture of a tomato All American Foodie Logo Picture of Nikki Holding plate of food
 picture of pork ribs  

Pork Ribs with a Twist

Pork ribs. It doesn't get more American than that. We have a twist on the traditional "Barbecue Ribs" of Texas, though. These juicy ribs fall right off the bone after baking them in a sealed double foil wrap. No need for barbecue sauce, because we are going to use the leftover juices as a sauce. You will love these!


Coconut Gulf Shrimp Soup
with Fresh Cilantro

Fresh shrimp is the key to this dish. If you don't enjoy cilantro, substitute parsley or another fresh herb.

   pic of coconut shrimp soup
 picture of meatballs    

Beef and Pork Meatballs
Bursting with Flavor

This recipe was created by Thomas D'Amico, the president of Flags Express Inc. And we aren't kidding when we say these are the best we've ever tasted! See for yourself how juicy and flavorful they are.


Chicken Pot Pie
with a little Spiciness

Chicken pot pie originated in Greece. Like with many traditional foreign foods, Americans created their own spin on it. Here's ours!

   pic of chicken pot pie